Saturday, November 17, 2012

A Retirement Rite of Passage

“It starts today. The early mornings, the late nights, the long days, and constant running, kettles have begun!” This post, blatantly copied from a friend’s Facebook page, described my life as a Salvation Army officer for many years. With a just a tinge of survivor’s guilt, this week begins a rite of passage for me. For the first time in more than forty years, I’m not responsible for ringing a kettle bell (first experienced at age 15), counting money late into the night, shopping for hundreds of children, or any of the other myriad of tasks consuming the life of a Salvation Army officer from Thanksgiving to Christmas. Instead, I can experience the holidays like a normal person, whatever that’s like.

I’ll start with Thanksgiving Day, shared with my mom and siblings. We’ll watch the parades, baste the turkey, and cheer or hiss as the Cowboys and Lions take the field. I’ll invite my nephews to sing “We Gather Together” as my brother brings the turkey to the groaning Thanksgiving table, reminiscent of Captain Kangaroo and Mr. Greenjeans. We’ll settle into a turkey-induced coma post-dishes, but may wake up for Kenny Chesney’s appearance during halftime of the Cowboys game, as the Salvation Army officially launches its national kettle campaign.   
I considered joining the Occupy Black Friday movement, with its twelve ways to occupy the holidays and reclaim the spirit of the season, but a nudge from my sister convinced me that it’s up to us to shop ‘til we drop in celebration of Black Friday. She’s in charge of the itinerary, but I laid down the basic ground rules – no husbands, no kids. Some years I’ve avoided the Black Friday swarm like the plague, braving the parking lot jams only to drop off kettle bell-ringers, but Janet and I are going to make a shopping memory this year if it kills us! As long as we get a sweet roll from that marvelous bakery on Main Street in North Tonawanda, I’ll be good to go.

My last-week-in-November observance will return to Ashland on Saturday, where we predict a playoff win by the Amazing Ashland Eagle football team. But sandwiched around the game, I’m making time to celebrate Small Business Saturday on November 24. Hallmark may be the master holiday creator, but American Express beat them to the punch by introducing Shop Small, an effort to celebrate (and shop at) local businesses.  
My Shop Small Saturday plans will start in downtown Ashland, and include browsing through the unique gift items at Enjoy!, tasting the fabulous desserts at Perks, picking up fresh-baked breads at The Giving Earth, and drooling over gift ideas for the lovely Madelyn Simone at Kid’s Kountry. I’ll take a longing look at the art in the gallery space in RedRed, and wander through Home Hardware, gazing at gift items in Mill Creek or a new tool for my sons’ toolboxes

I’m not much of an on-line shopper, so I’ll pass on Cyber-Monday. But a little bird told me there’s a ribbon cutting downtown at Gallery 250 at 11:15 a.m. on November 26th – can’t wait to see the stash of merchandise hidden behind the papered windows.
To round out my retail-related holiday celebration, I’ll shop on Claremont Avenue, and make some visits to businesses tucked away on the roads with no names scattered throughout the countryside, such as the Parsley Pot and the Olivesburg General Store. I’ll hold off until December 1 to spend time at the South Street Warehouse, when Ashland Main Street is sponsoring a Christmas Shopping Event, and then I’ll stick around for the Christmas parade – can’t wait. And I don’t want to forget the United Way Holiday Happenings at the Fairground December 6-8. I’ve got my eye on one of those baskets. I can feel it - this is going to be my year.

In a world filled with the Petraeus Pentagon, a looming fiscal cliff, and the aftermath of Sandy, I’m glad that my rite of passage provides time for some light-hearted retail therapy, even if it’s mostly window-shopping. I cherish the family celebrations and sacred moments, but I’m searching for hidden treasure in Ashland County this Christmas too. Share your suggestions at

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