Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Downtown Magic

I grew up in a New York community about the size of Ashland. As a carpenter, my dad sometimes got hired onto jobs that were out of town, leaving very early on Monday morning and returning late on Friday evening. His absence, along with my mother’s lack of a drivers’ license, meant that our family did a lot of walking, and we’d often head downtown to Grants, Twin-Ton, and Parsons Drug Store. As a teen-ager, I gained the independence of a bicycle, and have fond memories of the hot fudge sundaes at Zeffrey’s, the old-fashioned ice cream parlor on Niagara Street, a taste that’s never been replicated.

My early love affair with Main Street America stayed alive through Urban Renewal and the advent of the big box stores that imposed their identical landscapes across America. Give me a choice, and I’d much rather wander through a community’s downtown than head to the mall. The fact that the home we purchased is within walking distance of downtown wasn’t the deciding factor but it sure is a welcome extra.

Life in small town, downtown America provides an opportunity for small business owners to open a shop with personality, creating a space for gathering, for individualized service, and for living out their dream. It is definitely a risk, as some days the local foot traffic is slow, and money for marketing is in short supply. But a number of new business owners have taken the plunge, and it’s fun to wander through our downtown and get to know our new neighbors.

In Ashland, Virginia, one of our sister communities, the Ashland Main Street Association gives out a “you’ve been noticed” award when small businesses make a difference in the downtown. I love that idea. Kind of like getting a gold star on top of a spelling test. So here’s what I’ve noticed recently.

My “Say Yes to the Dress” obsession has been relegated to the memory of my early grandmothering days, but I’m excited that Jessica Neff of Juliana Bridal has brought the romance of saying “I do” back to our downtown. I dropped in as a bride was seeking The Dress, and what a fun time that was. There doesn’t appear to be a wedding on the horizon for our family at this point, but I’ll be sure to stop back if the need arises, as she carries “mother of the groom” dresses too.

Around the corner on Union Street is a short block that’s had a number of reincarnations in the years I’ve been in Ashland. One of its newest tenants is Kimberly’s Closet, a charming space with wonderful consignment finds, as clothing, purses, and shoes fill its shelves and racks. It’s one of those shops where the merchandise changes often, so I may need to put a standing date on my calendar each month so I don’t miss out.

While I haven’t made the plunge yet, Aubrey Bates has opened a yoga and pilates studio in that same block called Studio Rise. Here’s how she describes what’s happening: “A community is forming, a space where, together, we can root into who we are, grow into the potential of who we are meant to be, and shine the light of our discovery into the world we live in.” Love it!

I haven’t been convinced to join that particular community yet, but her words extend beyond the walls of her studio. They embrace a downtown that is breathing, that is connecting people, and that is alive. This weekend is a great time to head downtown to shop, to run into friends, and to sample the unique flavor of downtown Ashland, Ohio. Treat yourself to a cupcake at Enjoy! Stand at attention as the American flag passes by in the Memorial Day parade on Monday morning. And if you didn’t get a chance to belt out “Let it Go” with Elsa from “Frozen” on Friday night as Ashland Main Street hosted its first Walk-in Movie of the summer, mark your calendar for “Ladder Forty-Nine” on June 27th. Downtown Ashland may not be “the first time in forever,” Elsa’s sister Anna envisioned,” but “there’ll be magic, there’ll be fun” – just look around! 

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