December 6
On the Twelfth Day
One of the worst Christmas movies ever made is On the Twelfth Day, created in 1955. The film’s producer, Wendy Toye, decided to take the song, “The Twelve Days of Christmas” literally, so that Miss Tilly, portrayed by the intrepid Miss Toye, received the cumulative total of gifts of each day from Mr. True Love, amounting to 364 gifts. Remember, five of the days only brought people; the other seven included cows, swans, geese, calling birds, French hens, turtle doves, and that blasted partridge in a pear tree.
The movie was only twenty-three minutes long, and so stilted that it was hilarious for about the first ten minutes. My favorite highlights are the choir boy eating a candy apple and the cow wearing a bonnet. To my great delight, I found it on youtube. And yes, it was as bad as I remembered it to be.
I admit, I am a bit like Mr. True Love. I’m not sure that my love language is the giving of gifts, but at Christmas, I do get carried away. The pile of gifts under our tree is generous, as I’ll tell myself, “just one more.” As The Messagedescribes the giving of the Father in Ephesians 2, it is like the way my gift-giving feels to me at Christmas: “immense in mercy and with an incredible love, he [God] embraced us.”
Saving is all his idea, and all his work.
All we do is trust him enough to let him do it.
It’s God’s gift from start to finish!
Ephesians 2, The Message
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