“It’s the most wonderful time of the year,” croons Andy Williams, soon to be heard on the endless loop of Christmas music that takes over my brain long before December 25th. While Edward Pola and George Wyle claimed the weeks surrounding Christmas were the “hap-happiest season of all,” I’m guessing these song-writing collaborators never experienced county fair week in Ashland.
I’m writing this year’s column based upon my own somewhat faulty memory and the miracle of Facebook posts, as my visit to the corner of Baney Road and Claremont Avenue with the lovely Madelyn Simone and the delightful and determined Elizabeth Holiday won’t take place until the final day of the fair, long after my column is due at the Ashland Times-Gazette.
Memory and Facebook posts share a common limitation: we only see what comes up in our feed. Unless we search for a certain social media post, we are at the whims of the Facebook gods (aka algorithms) that I can’t begin to understand. That’s also how my brain seems to work. Scientists tell us that memory is dependent upon the processes of encoding, storage and retrieval. Apparently, memories begin with either a visual or auditory cue, which makes sense, but my memories of the carnival-like atmosphere of the fair, both from childhood and more recent years in Ashland, seem to be associated with smells and tastes as well.
The smells of the animal barns are common to county fairs, with the freshly groomed horses, the newly shorn sheep, and the caged chickens, ducks and turkeys all vying for our attention. I remember trips to the zoo or the fair as a small child, and being fascinated as I watched the animals poop. With grandchildren, history tends to repeat itself – enough said!
I’m convinced I have a reserved place in my memory for fair food. My mouth is watering as I type, triggered by memories of my childhood favorite: sugar waffles at Crystal Beach. Guess what? They have these delicacies at the county fair. These aren’t the kind of waffles you make for yourself at the hotel breakfast buffet. One anonymous reviewer described them as “basically fried dough, crispy and crumbly and ultimately, just a means to an end: sugar.” And they usually have free samples! Lerch’s donuts, funnel cakes, candy apples, French fries . . . sugar and grease are king at the Ashland County Fair.
Madelyn is already asking if the kid’s roller coaster is at the fair this year. That’s her ride of choice, and I remember all too well her disappointment when it failed to appear one year. Here’s hoping the petite Lizzie is tall enough to ride, or there will be trouble in paradise for sure.
I love the small group of volunteers who make recycling a priority at the fair. Facebook even offered up a photo of the recycling fairy wearing her magic heels. While it seems a tiny drop in an ocean-sized bucket, when we toss the pop can in the recycling container, we are doing our part to create a better world for our kids and grandkids. Thank you, recycling team, for your faithful early morning work.
The county fair allows local organizations to meet and greet the thousands who pass through the merchant buildings and visit under the grandstand. Two booths, both trimmed in red, white and blue, provide aspiring political candidates and civic leaders the chance to chat with constituents. The Dems have added an intriguing component this year, as Ashlanders can vote in a straw poll, deciding which face they prefer as the democratic candidate for president in 2020. As of Wednesday, it looks like Biden and Warren are in the lead, with Mayor Pete a popular third. The Heartland speaks!
There’s so much more to see and do, smell and taste at the county fair, but I’m out of space. Be sure to head out to the fairgrounds today to sample your favorite fair food, congratulate the 4-H kids, and breathe one last glimpse into your memory of the “hap-happiest season” – the 2019 Ashland County Fair. I’ll be the one with two beautiful granddaughters and powdered sugar on my shirt. See you there!
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