The television ad is called, “One for you, one for me,” as a man surprises his wife with a special gift for the holidays. Taking her out to the driveway, she sees two brand new trucks – one black and one red. He bought the black one for himself, but his wife gravitates to that one, so he ends up settling for the red truck. The pitch has run seemingly non-stop since Black Friday, so now that the holiday season is over, I’m hoping I’ll never see it again, because that commercial was doing its best to influence my husband.
Consequently, Larry has started mentioning the possibility of new cars. How fun that would be, a Miata convertible for me and a hatchback for Larry (so he can transport his tuba to band rehearsal). Of course, there wouldn’t be room in the Miata for the grandkids, and we currently have car payments on two cars that are operating well, meeting our needs. So don’t bother calling, car salespeople – we’re not in the market.
But what if Larry demanded an expensive new car or truck and I said, “We can’t afford it, we don’t need it, we’re not getting one”? He could whine, cajole, plead, beg, bully, threaten, and make life miserable for me. He could refuse to do the wash until I gave in, and I could shut down the kitchen in response. He could freeze our joint bank account, and even hide my car keys (given my history with lost car keys, I’d never find them). Even so, I’d be likely to dig my heels deeper into my decision and stand my ground. “No new car.”
There is a familiar ring here. The president of the United States wants something, and consequently, he has virtually shut down the laundry, the kitchen, and the bank account. An estimated 800,000 government workers are without paychecks, as are many more independent contractors. CareerBuilder says that 78% of us admit to living paycheck to paycheck. What would you do if your paycheck didn’t come this month?
As a result of the shutdown, many TSA workers are calling in sick each day (known as trying to find other work). The Coast Guard and national parks are struggling. The traditional food stamp program, now known as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, is running out of money. Our relationship with the IRS may turn to hate if tax refunds can’t be processed and released on time. Somehow, I doubt our tax preparers will foot the bill for cash advances on delayed refunds.
Perhaps the shut-down has already been resolved. Good news. Yet it could, as threatened, last for months. A long-term government shut-down doesn’t make sense to me, no matter our personal views on border security and immigration reform, or any other topic. There’s got to be a better way.
How did we as Americans get to the point where our brothers and sisters are being held hostage to a wall? Whatever happened to the principles of democracy, including informed discussion, debate, and decision-making culminating in a vote to determine what’s best? Is government now about who has the most leverage, using the lives of our fellow Americans as pawns in a battle of wills in D.C.?
What if these tactics were used in local governments? The mayor wants to build a new city hall, price tag $40 million, and until he gets it, he requires snow plow drivers to work without pay, while cutting back garbage pickups to a monthly schedule? Would Ashlanders give in to that kind of demand?
Most would say, “OK, enough with the threats and harmful actions. We’re not going to deliberately hurt others in our community here in Ohio so you can get your own way. We’re paying the plow drivers and picking up the garbage. We’ll use the processes of democracy to determine our direction.”
It’s the same in marriages. When we can’t afford the “one for you, one for me” car purchase, we strive for unified decisions that benefit the family, without holding someone hostage to get what we want.
Is that too much to ask of POTUS and those elected to represent us in Washington?
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